Wednesday, July 25, 2018

wow guess who forgot he had a

its been some time since I was ten grandchildren keep me busy...but I have also had some interesting time at the Reno VA with many doctor's visits the past couple years...getting older can be challenging but fun.

my country has been in a spiral since my President Donald J.Trump was elected...the snowflakes BLM antifa etc have gone collectively insane since...

Someone is going to die when these folks lose it completely...ranting rioting destroying property and physically assaulting elected leaders and their families...enough idiots.

It is time for we deplorable's to rise up and strike back...confront any and all of these their homes offices restaurants shopping malls rallies etc...give them a taste of their own medicine and see how they like it.

and lets please unmask these sniveling little cowards hiding behind masks so they can be prosecuted for their crimes and sheer stupidity.

hoorah...signing off now

bob revai US Army 62-65

Saturday, March 16, 2013

children's book no 1

wow I woke up this morning at 3am with an idea and wrote down the title and went back to bed.  I realized that I would not remember the exact idea unless I wrote it down right then.  I got up and wrote the entire story in about 15 minutes.  A children's book wow.  Monday I'm going to find an illistrator to do the drawings I have in mind for the book.  I've already contacted several publishers of children's books for infor mation on how to get it done...what fun I'm having with my new found confidence.  Big thanks to Rick Frishman and the folks at Author101 University for waking up my creative juices from their long slumber.

Thanks folks for letting me blog

Sunday, March 10, 2013

my first time...blogging

so this is my first time...blogging you dirty minded folks..I just finished author 101. Thanks rick Frishman and company.  Ive discovered that it is time to get my hinny in gear and start writing again.  Its been awhile since the creative juices have flowed..

A bit rusty would be an understatement. But nothing ventured nothing gained.  The real test will be weeks from now when Im laid up after knee replacement surgery...Can I write thru a vicodin  enduced haze..we shall see...let the psychadelic experiment begin.

Ive always wanted to write "that book in my head" now is the time to get er done...thanks Mater for the encouragement.  I would say that if you have dreams of writing a book or a blog the real key is to JUST DO IT.

thanks for letting me share my thoughts with you today.  hope to red your comments soon.